Kyiv Sets New Temperature Record
2024 was the warmest year ever in Kyiv. The city’s average temperature was +11.4°C, which is 2.4°C higher than usual.
Winter was particularly hot and dry in Kyiv. It used to snow almost every month, but in 2024 it barely snowed at all. February and September were the warmest months, with temperatures 5.7°C and 5.2°C above average respectively.
The temperature varied a lot throughout the year. The lowest was -15.8°C on January 9th and the highest was +36.0°C on July 16th. There were 52 days when the temperature set new records.
Rainfall in Kyiv also broke records, but not in a good way. It rained more than usual in April and June, but very little in May and September. The total rainfall for the year was 642 mm, which is 104% of what’s considered normal.
This makes 2024 the warmest year since measurements started in 1855.