3 Demands from the Opposition to the Government  


Elene Khoshtaria (leader of Droa), at a rally to support Ukraine on voiced demands that she said were agreed by parties and public group.
The rally demands
* will resign
* Georgia will close the skies to Russia and open them to Ukraine
* The country that will be applying for EU membership.
“It turned our that solidarity alone was not enough. They (the government) crossed a line of betrayal when they told us we would not support Ukraine, and that they would not apply for EU membership. They told us they will take our country’s historical choice away. We are people of dignity and freedom. This is what we show to Gharibashvili, and the . All parties and public groups agreed that we must formulate specific demands which we will all achieve. “We will liberate this land,” Khoshtaria said.
“Sending volunteers into Ukraine means direct involvement in a military conflict – that is not what we will do,” said to reporters today. He is the Chairman of the Dream Party.
He said that Ukraine’s EU membership would take many years, because there is a legal document which states that no country can join the EU until it has met all of its obligations.
“This applies to Georgia and , all countries in equal measure. In , we will present a similar document to the EU for Georgia. By 2024 we will have fulfilled a significant part of our obligations, and then it will be a rational base for our application. We have held preliminary consultations with EU officials. “They explain that the offer of EU Membership is relevant for Ukraine, which is at a war, but is not relevant to Moldova or Georgia,” Kobakhidze stated.
Volodymyr Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, has recalled the Ambassador from Georgia because of the obstacles that Georgia is creating for volunteer soldiers who want to travel to Ukraine as well as the fact that Georgia has not joined the .
Citizens and opposition groups gather in front of parliament to protest the government’s actions and demand the resignation of Prime minister Irakli Garibashvili. They note that they feel ashamed of the government’s actions, since Russia began the against Ukraine.
By Ana Dumbadze


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