Jeanne Shaheen joins 10 senators in support of the Georgian People’s Act  


According to Jeanne Shaheen a US member and of Subcommittee for European and Regional Security Cooperation, and a US Senate Foreign Relations Committee member, 10 additional senators will support the bipartisan “ People’s “.
According to their information, the following American senators have requested to join “The Georgian People’s Act”, when the Senate reconvenes this November: Tom Tillis (chairman of the International Institute), Mitt Romney (chairman), Jeff Merkley (chairman of the International Republican Institute), Dan Sullivan (chairman of the International Republican Institute), Angus King Todd Young Sheldon Whitehouse George Helmy.
“I am happy that a significant portion of colleagues in Senate supported the “Georgian People’s Act”, and realized that the present situation in Georgia could not be delayed. Together, we send a clear message about the bipartisan support of our legislation and our support for the EuroAtlantic ambitions of the Georgians. Our position on Georgia remains unchanged, regardless of which party controls Washington,” said Senator Jeanne Shaheen.
emphasized the importance of the bill in sending a clear message to the Georgian people that the is with them as they strive towards a transatlantic .
Jim Risch said, “We are ready to implement US policy that supports their ability to achieve European integration.”


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