Ten senators join supporters in US Senate of the Georgian People’s Act  


Jeanne Shaheen is a member and chairman of the US Senate and the European and Regional Security Cooperation Subcommittee. Jim Risch is a senator and member of the . They announced that ten more senators will support the bipartisan Georgian People’s Act.
The report says that American Senators Tom Tillis and Mitt Romney as well as Jeff Merkley, John Cornini, Chris Murphy, Dan Sullivan, Chairman of the , Todd Young, Sheldon Whitehouse and George Helmy, have asked to join the Georgian People’s Act (GPA) when the Senate reconvenes on .
“I am happy that a number of my Senate colleagues supported the Georgian People’s Act, and understood that the current situation in Georgia could not be delayed. Together, we send a clear message about the bipartisan support of our legislation and our support for the EuroAtlantic ambitions of the Georgian people. “Our position on Georgia will not change regardless of which party controls Washington,” said Senator Jeanne Shaheen.
Senator Jim Risch emphasized the importance of the bill in sending a clear message to the Georgian people that the is with them as they strive towards a transatlantic .
Risch said, “We are ready to implement US policy that supports their ability to achieve European integration.”
The Georgian People’s Act is divided into two parts:
1. Outline the consequences that will imposed on representatives of the Georgian Government and individuals who are responsible of hindering the Euro Atlantic integration of Georgia. It demands that the impose travel restrictions for Georgians and their families for participating in the promotion of and supporting the “Foreign Agents Law”; new sanctions must be imposed for those who undermine the stability, sovereignty, or territorial integrity Georgia; and sanctions are to be imposed for those Georgians who are guilty of human rights violations and corrupt practices.
2. Demands that State Department develop a strategy for Georgia that includes reviewing military aid and demands that US government suspends all funding to support the Georgian government.
3. Calling for the suspension of the strategic dialogue between Georgia and the United States.
1. In light of recent events, the US Senate emphasizes its commitment to support the civil societies of Georgia;
2. At least 50 million dollars US to support and rule-of-law projects in Georgia
3. Demands that State Department and US Agency for International Development determine the best way to continue supporting Georgian Civil Society in light of recent events;
4. Two reporting requirements are required to assess (1) the extent to which foreign influence is felt in Georgia and (2) the efforts to support Georgian political prisoner.
The Georgia People’s Act was drafted by Senators Jin Shaheen & Jim Risch.
According to the draft law, travel restrictions and other sanctions will apply to Georgian politicians responsible for “obstructing Georgia’s Integration”, “corruption, violations of human rights, and drafting and facilitation of the adoption “Foreign Agents Law”.”


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