Speaker of Ukrainian Parliament Stefanchuk says Ukraine’s resolve in reclaiming Crimea is strengthening  


Ruslan Stefanchuk, the parliament speaker, declared at the Third Crimea Platform that Ukraine would never give up Crimea, or any other occupied land. He called the region “closer than ever” and “more dear.”
According to UkrInform, Ruslan Stephanchuk, the Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament, stated that Ukraine would not give up Crimea, or any other temporarily-occupied .
Stefanchuk made these claims during his address at the Third Crimea Platform Summit. He said that the ongoing struggle against occupation is not only about national sovereignty, but also a larger fight for justice for the Crimean Tatars.
The summit, which was attended by around 50 countries, demonstrates a collective international effort in raising awareness about the implications that Crimea’s occupation has on regional stability and human rights. The global community is encouraged to support measures aimed at restoring and justice in Crimea as Ukraine continues to push for recognition of its territorial unity. This reflects a shared commitment to uphold human rights and international law in the face aggression.
Stefanchuk said that it has been 10 years since the Crimea occupation.
According to the chairman Ukraine’s parliament, despite the fact that the occupying Russians did everything they could in the last decade to turn Crimea into a base for military purposes, change its ethnic composition and create fear among its citizens, “Crimea was not separated from Ukraine by even an inch.” It has become closer, more expensive, and more desirable.”
Stafanchuk said, “We will never abandon Crimea. We will also not abandon any inch of Ukrainian territory temporarily occupied by an aggressor.”
He said that Ukraine has no other option than to liberate Crimea because “this is our land and our people live there.”
Stafanchuk called on the world also to recognize the deportation Crimean Tatars of 1944 as a genocidal act organized by the .
Crimean Tatars have been deported to far-off areas of Siberia and Central Asia. They were not given any documents and were under a curfew. They were also denied the right to travel or even to locate their families.
Mass illness and death among deported persons was caused by the difficult living conditions, the unusual climate and diseases. Lack of medical care increased the number of people who suffered during deportation.
“The Crimean Tatars dream of restoring justice. This should include recognising their deportation, as an act genocide. This recognition has already been made by the parliaments of Latvia and Lithuania, Canada and Estonia. Stefanchuk said, “I urge other countries’ parliamentary bodies to adopt similar resolutions.”
The Third Parliamentary Summit of the Crimea Platform opened today in Riga. Delegations from around 50 countries and six international parliaments attended.
The International Crimea Platform, established in 2021, is a forum that facilitates coordination and consultation between governments, parliaments and foreign ministers.
It was created in order to raise awareness amongst world leaders and the public about the temporary occupation of the and its annexation by Russia. This has a negative impact on the human rights, the security of the Black Sea Region, global food safety, and the rules based international order.
Read more about:
* : Crimea must be returned to Ukraine
* speaker: Crimea’s response was a “mistake”, which emboldened Russia to war
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