Tina Bokuchava says: I’m sure that the majority of the population of Georgia will choose a European future for their children and for our country. Our country will return to a path of European Integration.  


Tina Bokuchava (chairperson of the “Unity-National Movement”), who arrived with her children at the station, said after voting that she was confident the majority of would choose the future for for their children and for our country.
Tina Bokuchava is confident that this will be a big day for the nation.
“Today, I voted give my children a : Niko, Sandro and Luka, who are waiting for us back home. I am confident that the majority of Georgians will choose to have a European future for their children and for our country. Our country will return to its path of European integration. Tina Bokuchava stated, “I am certain that it will be a day of great national . This will lead to the change of government and the coming to power by forces. Our country will enter the European Union within the shortest time possible. Every citizen will have the chance for “.


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