Interview with Giorgi Bachiashvili, former head of Ivanishvili’s Co-Investment Fund  


Giorgi is the former head and confidante of GD honorary chairman Bidzina . He gave a lengthy interview to the opposition-leaning TV Pirveli in which he spoke of his case before the court, and revealed the personality and style of the oligarch.
Bachiashvili served as Ivanishvili’s financial advisor for several years. Georgian prosecutors filed charges against Giorgi Bashiashvili, accusing him of embezzling significant amounts of cryptocurrency and legalizing illicit income. Bachiashvili has been accused of embezzling 8,253.13 bitcoins worth $39 215 820 in 2017, which is over $200 million at current exchange rates. Bachiashvili declared innocence and pleaded no guilt during a court session. The court set bail at GEL 2,500,000 to be paid in 30 days. He is not allowed to leave the country until the investigation has been completed. He must also surrender his Georgian passport and Russian passport to the investigating authorities.
What is happening with the Bachiashvili Case?
Bachiashvili claimed that he had information that was crucial for Georgians to know before making a decision crucial for the country. He said the case Ivanishvili put together has even amazed the prosecutor’s offices. He said that the accusations against Ivanishvili are ridiculous, and after he had presented evidence in court Ivanishvili was forced to change his testimony.
Bachiashvili said, “I am not scared of his [Ivanishvili’s] court and the prosecutors. There is a court at Strasbourg, and I will be able with documents to prove – how he controls the judiciary, prosecutor’s offices, and how fabricates cases.”
Ivanishvili’s lawsuit against him has a reason
Bachiasvhili stated that Ivanishvili considers a puppet to be a good team member and employee. As soon as the puppet starts to have his own opinions and doesn’t follow him blindly anymore, he is a “agent”, a “traitor”, an “enemy”, or whatever. for Ivanishvili.
Bachiashvili stated that he assisted Ivanishvili in “the most difficult financial case of [his] life”. He was the one to discover the irregularities on the Credit Swiss account, and he assembled the legal team for the case. He said: “It’s my professional duty, and I did it so effectively that all the Bermuda and Singapore courts ruled in favor of his case.”
Bachiashvili said, on the contrary, that he set a bad example for Ivanishvili and his team because he was the one who publicly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in his posts. Bachiashvili also expressed his opinion when Bidzina “started demonizing the West and changing Georgia’s course of foreign policy” Bachiashvili did not agree with conspiracy theories that “some external forces were interfering in case”. It was absurd to believe this. He said: “If there were any forces that intervened in the Credit Suisse case, they all sided with Ivanishvili.” We won in every court.
Bachiashivli acknowledged that Credit Suisse attempted to delay the case for which they were reprimanded. However, he also stated that “Patrice lescaudron (the Credit Suisse employee who was at the heart of the fraud) started emptying Ivanishvili’s accounts as early 2006-2007. Therefore, Bachiashivli added, it is hard to imagine that the “Global Party of War”, even theoretically, would want to confront Ivanishvili during that time.
Money vs State Interests
When asked if he believed that Ivanishvili traded his state interests for money, Bachiashvili replied that it was “a fact” that it was about the conflict of interest, and “if you’ve got a “complex”, as you say, in which you put your private interests ahead of your country, then you shouldn’t be in charge.” [referring to Bidzina Ivanishvili’s latest interview, where he cited a “complex”, stemming because he had been deprived Bachiashvili stated: “For him, maintaining power and control over Georgia is his mission.” He added that Ivanishvili does not care about the Georgians and has never put their interests first.
First steps in big business
Ivanishvili is known to portray himself as a philanthropist who has “clean hands.” Bachiashvili reminded the audience that Ivanishvili was a billionaire in when he founded the “Rossiskiy Credit”. According to Bachiashvili Ivanishvili took money from Russian pensioners and bought assets, making him a millionaire. He then told the depositors he would not be able to return the money but would give Bachiashvili stated that “this was a simple scam”.
He dispelled the myth that Ivanishvili was a philanthropist by saying, “Philanthropy always is selfless.” If you expect anything in return, then it’s not philanthropy, he said, adding that “it’s bribery.” Citing the so-called Offshore Law, which was rushed through by the GD and adopted, its passage went relatively unnoticed in the context of the Foreign Agents Law. Bachiashvili cited the example of Ivanishvili’s 2022 of an art collection worth 1 billion dollars as a way to illustrate the benefits of the new law. Bachiashvili said that the law would save Ivanishvili $400 million and relieve the state budget from having to pay income tax, property tax, and VAT on the asset.
What are Ivanishvili’s plans?
Bachiashvili said it was important to listen to Ivanishvili and accept the fact that he is lying. He added: “Because Ivanishvili is always lying.” He then said: “This is a man who is insane with his power and the more time goes by, the more he clings on to power.”
“The judiciary and the PR machine all obey him. Bachiashvili stated that those who do not obey him were traitors, agents and ‘people lacking a homeland’.
When asked if Ivanishvili truly believes that everyone around him is an agent of the Global War Party and Global War Party, Bachiashvili replied: “Unfortunately when people see these narratives for a long time they start to believe them.”
When asked about his message to Georgians who are going to the polls he replied, “It is not about choosing a prime minister or a minister. These are the first elections of our history where the future of our nation and our foreign policy is at stake.” He said: “So, all those who want their children grow up in a democracy and not be persecuted on the streets and followed closely by the security services should vote for Europe. It’s up to them what opposition party they choose.”
What information does Bachiashvili possess
Bachiashvili stated that he had a lot of information and could reveal a great deal, but “we have to stop changing government with clandestine papers.” “Ivanishvili is already exposed…He promises repressions, prosecution, and then the creation of an acceptable opposition” just like this was done in Russia. He said that under Ivanishvili’s rule, the state apparatus, including his own party, “was cleansed of pro individuals.” This is why no self-respecting companies come to invest in Georgia. He added that “investments do not go through the proper channels, as they should in a democracy.”
He also spoke about corruption schemes in the gas- and electricity-sector, controlled by Ivanishvili’s close circle of people who own the intermediary firms with money flowing to their pockets.
Why Ivanishvili damaged the relations with the West
Bachiashvili claims that Ivanishvili knew in 2022 his autocratic style was not compatible with . He decided to demonize both the West and the EU. He used Credit Suisse to do so. Bachiashvili claims that he then began publishing letters through his “experts”, in which he developed these conspiracy theories to influence public opinion.
Ivanishvili governing style
Bachiashvili cited his own example that Ivanishvili refused to meet with him after he filed a complaint. He described the oligarch’s behavior as one who avoids accountability: “He doesn’t meet with anyone who could demand accountability from him.” Bachiashvili added that Ivanishvhili never participated in court cases where he had been right because he was afraid to be questioned. He also said that Ivanishvhili presented an allegedly faked doctor’s report stating that he couldn’t fly. Bachiashvili said that Ivanishvili’s style was to avoid responsibility. He added that even though he wasn’t officially in power, Ivanishvili regularly received visits from ministers, prosecutors, and judges, and that he gave orders.
He said that Ivanishvili wanted Georgia to be his Court, so that he could decide whenever and whatever he wanted to do. He also added that the honorary chair of the GD liked to stay in shadows with his “puppets”. He said that the Georgians understood that “if they don’t like the spectacle, then it’s their master that should be changed”.
The Russian Connection
Bachiashvili was asked if Ivanishvili had any connections and if Ivanishvili had ever explained why he wanted property in Russia, Bachiashvili replied that he hadn’t inquired as it wasn’t his business. However, he did say that he didn’t care because it wasn’t his business.
What kind of leader is Ivanishvili?
Bachiashvili called him an “autocratic” leader who avoided responsibility for his actions. “He only loves himself and then after that, only family and country,” was another description. “Any good staff that he had, all of them left. Only those who have no place to go remain.” “For him, puppets are all that exist. There is no free person.” Former aide to Ivanishvil. He added: “He views people as his resources.” Many people are afraid, and they are driven by their fear. They are enslaved.”
Also Read:
* 25/05/2024- Paper on Ivanishvili’s Former Confidant Case Showcases Oligarch State Capture
* 24/07/2023: Report: Why does Ivanishvili prosecute his former financial prodigy?
* 07/07/2023: Former Head of Co-Investment Fund accused of embezzling $39 million worth of Bitcoin
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