CEC – According to the data at 10:00, 324 197 voters went to the polling station, which is 9.27%  


Natia Ioselian was the press-speaker for the Central Commission. She said that according to the data at 10:00, 324197 voters had come to the polling station, which is 9.27%.
Ioseliani says that at this stage the process at the polling station is mostly calm.
According to a spokesperson for the press, it was reported by the press that two ballots were given to one voter even though the vote counting machine could not physically receive two ballots at the exact same time.
According to in the process of transfer ballots, mechanical mistakes are identified on-site and in no event was it a fact that two ballots were received together by the machine.
“The election administration continues informing the voters and parties involved with the about the progress of the day. Currently, the voting process at the polling station is generally calm. In some cases, facts of obstruction of the work process of the precinct electoral commissions have been recorded. We urge the , the monitoring organizations, and the representatives of the political parties to adhere to the law, refrain from interfering with the work of the precinct election commissions, as well as to ensure that the elections are conducted in a peaceful environment. Media representatives are required to adhere to the established rule for photo-video recording while working with precinct elections commissions. The election administration will then use the legal mechanisms if this is not done.
We remind you that a local organization can only have 1 observer in the precinct simultaneously. International organizations may have 2 , who are accompanied by an Interpreter. Media organizations have two representatives. Election subjects have one representative.
Two ballots were reported to have been handed to a single voter. We would like you to know that the voting machine cannot physically accept two ballots at once. The machine is checked for mechanical errors on the spot during the transfer of ballots. In no case were there two ballots in the same machine.
A representative of one of these political subjects was also recorded as having taken a ballot and made it public in the voting booth. We ask that the parties not encourage the prohibited of taking photos and videos inside the secret voting booth.
We will let you know the results of the voting in at 10:00. By this time, there were 324,197 voters at the , or 9.27%.
Transport boxes have already been removed from the polling stations for those voters who are unable to go to the polls due to their health. We remind you that voters who use portable boxes to cast their also have to go through marking.
Currently, agitation in the voting station is prohibited by the election legislation. It is forbidden to place campaign materials within 25 meters of an entrance to a polling station. On the day of voting, it is also prohibited to physically obstruct a voter’s movement within the voting building or 100 meters away from the building. On the day of the voting, it is also prohibited to register voters or gather people within 100 meters of a polling station.
Pre-election paid or free advertising on radio and television is also prohibited until 20:00. It is also prohibited to publish the results from public opinion polls relating to the elections”, Yoseliani stated.


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