President to the citizens, if you want to be part of this historic page, come now. There will never be another time for you, your family and the future Georgia.  


, the , calls on citizens to be active and come to the voting station in the limited time remaining before the close.
As she said in her video address, when the ruling party says it has won the elections, it exerts psychological pressure on citizens.
According to her, the solution to psychological pressure is to be confident and to wait for in a style.
“Less than one hour left.” There’s still plenty of time for those who haven’t visited the site. Don’t regret missing out on the chance to decide the future of your country. It is now or never. For you, for your children and for the future of Georgia.
I would like to remind all of our emigrants that at 20:00 you have the right to ask for someone to leave the commission. She should write down all the names of the people in the precinct that will be present at that time. All these people should take part in the elections. This is your right.
I want to tell the people who are worried that the majority is undemocratic and un-European that we will win. We are about make a scene. They inform that have entered the . Do not be afraid. All of this is psychological stress on you. The answer to psychological stress is self-confidence. Go to the election and wait for the results. I won’t make a fuss here. I will not announce any results ahead of time. I will wait, as an European, as , as decent Georgian. We will all understand when the results are announced. Salome said, “Don’t be afraid. Don’t believe. Let’s wait until the result. It will be the outcome you promised for our country’s future.”


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