EPP Resolution instructs Georgian government to end political persecution against Mikheil Gvaramia and Nika Saakashvili  


The European People’s Party adopted a resolution on 18 demanding that the cease its ongoing political persecution of the free media and political opposition.
The resolution stated that “the continued political imprisonment of ex-President , Ukrainian citizen, and acting official, and the denial to him of adequate medical treatment in Georgian prison, as Putin’s personal slave, and the recent decision by the Appeals’ upholding the political charges against TV Managing director Nika Gvaramia only exacerbates Georgia’s democracy regression and the interference in the country, which is the result of Ilvanishi’s
The resolution of November 18, titled “On Regression and Political Persecutions In Georgia”, referred to a previous resolution passed by EPP which denounced Nika’s conviction, as well as an increasing number of incidents of violence, intimidation and threats against journalists and persecution.
The resolution recalled that “having regard to the 9th June 2022 European Parliament Resolution on Violations of Media Freedom and the Safety of Journalists in Georgia and the Resolution No. 2463 of the Parliamentary Assembly of the of Europe, (PACE), on the Further Escalation of the Russian Federation’s aggression against (Article 7),” the resolution reminded.
The EPP calls on the Georgian Government to “end political persecution against its opponents and free media” – ensure immediate release and humanitarian transfers of ex-President Saakashvili into another country for a adequate medical treatment, and release Mtavari TV’s Managing Director Nika Gavaramia from jail.
By Sophie Hodler


Read More @ georgiatoday.ge

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