Giorgi Kalandarishvili says the elections were held in a peaceful, free environment. The election administration conducted the elections according to international standards  


The of CEC presented preliminary preliminary results of elections to the .
According to Kalandarishvili the widespread use of electronic technology made it possible to find out the preliminary primary results in an hour and forty-five minutes after the voting.
According to his assessment the elections were held in a free and peaceful environment.
“Today is a historic day for our , and for us as the . It’s true
We used electronic voting machines for the first time on a large-scale today, and we can confidently state that the elections were held – this modernization stage of the elections was implemented successfully.
The elections were held in a peaceful, free environment. The fact that the voting process was almost error-free and that the turnout was high confirms that were followed by the administration.
The technology allowed voters to make their choices easily and quickly. This is due to the fact that all activities related to the introduction and use of technologies were planned and implemented correctly and purposefully by the election administration. A large-scale campaign aimed at educating and changing the behavior of voters has been carried out for almost two years. Technologies and infrastructure have also been implemented, as well activities focusing on risk insurance during the election process.
The voters, as well as the local and international organisations that were actively involved in this election process, made a significant contribution to the success of the elections. The media also played a role in educating voters and covering the election process during the pre-election phase and on the day. I would like to thank all of our international partners, local organisations and media for their support.
I thank the voters who showed civic responsibility and were active. “I thank the election officials who conducted the voting process with professionalism, despite the pressures and unfair accusations that they faced in some cases.
Kalandarishvili says that the polling stations are not yet finished because the commissions, in addition to counting the results manually, will also count the results using the machines. Then, the summary protocols and the final reports will be prepared.
“It is the widespread use of electronic technology that has allowed us to announce the preliminary primary results an hour and forty-five minutes after the voting ended. Before that, however, I want to make it clear that the polling stations are still working. In addition to the machine counting, the commissions also count the results manually, and then the summary protocol will be compiled. This process is currently taking place in the polling stations. “After the precinct summaries protocols are compiled in both modernized and traditional voting stations, they will delivered to CEC, as soon as possible. They will then be uploaded to the special website and will be made available to anyone interested,” Kalandarishvili stated.
According to preliminary results from 2,206 polling booths counted by Central Election Commission, “Georgian “, received 52.991% (935,004 voters) of the in the parliamentary election. The second place was “Coalition for Change – Melia It’s Time”, which received 197 619 votes – 11.2%. “Unity-National Movement” – 173,510 voters 9.83% “Strong Georgia-an effort, for people, for freedom” 159,000 votes -9.029% “Gakharia ” 145205 votes -8.229%


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