My Vote Speaks Of ‘Large Scale Rigging Scheme’ As Preliminary Results Lead To GD  


Vote said it was “clear” that a complex scheme to rig elections had been devised, using methods like “breaking down the verification process, violating marking procedure, and preventing the observers from monitoring voter identification.” According to Toloraia, “it became apparent that a complicated scheme had been worked out” to rig elections, using methods such as breaking down the verification system, of It was also “clear” that the same rigging scheme was being used in a number of reports of confiscating or renting ‘ ID cards, and collecting their personal data during the campaign. The spokesperson also referred to “unprecedented” pressure on day observers, including physical assaults, verbal insults and intimidation, as well as unfounded expulsions. Toloraia stated that it was “impossible to observe the voting process” in most cases. He added that in some instances observers had to be evacuated. Other abuses included “unprecedented”, car-based mobilization of voters and “unprecedented”, pressure on voters. The mission also noted that overseas were “deliberately collapsing” due to a shortage of space and registration staff. According to My Vote’s , as of 10-11 pm, the mission’s observer identified 347 violations in the marking process. They also reported 89 violations of the secrecy surrounding the vote. There were 341 instances of unauthorized people in the , 96 cases involving physical violence, threats and confrontations as well as 163 obstructions of My Vote officials. My Vote claims that the ‘s preliminary “does not reflect the will” of . Toloraia concluded, “We will continue our demand for the annulment of election results”.
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