Recalling their statement of 26 February 2023, the United Nations expressed its deep concern over the reintroduction of a draft Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence in the Parliament of Georgia. It would impede the civil society’s and media‘s work and the essential contributions that they make to Georgian society and democracy as a whole.
“Civil Society Organizations in Georgia have been leading the way in providing essential services to those who are most vulnerable, and protecting their human rights. If they are stigmatized, it could leave people with disabilities, internal displaced persons, minorities and older persons, women and children, survivors and victims of domestic violence, and others in need without the support and assistance they need.
“The UN is a trusted partner in Georgia for more than three decades. It supports the country’s growth in accordance with Georgia’s national priorities, and assists the people of Georgia along with all our partners locally, including civil society, media, and other local organizations.
“We recall that the OSCE/ODIHR, in consultation with UN Special Rapporteur for the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association at the request of Public Defender of Georgia conducted an analysis which found that the draft law did not meet a number of Georgian international obligations.
“Noting Georgia’s current membership in the UN Human Rights Council we urge the Parliament of Georgia, to withdraw this law draft and conduct wide, inclusive and meaningful consultations on the relations between the State and Civil Society.
“The United Nations in Georgia regrets that the Parliament chose to use an expedited process to abolish mandatory gender-quotas in the parliamentary election list. The UN Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women has recommended to Georgia for many years that a temporary gender quota be implemented to compensate for the systematic exclusion of women from political decision-making. The abolition is a step in the wrong direction for gender equality.
The statement reads: “We urge Georgian authorities to take the necessary steps in order to avoid actions which run counter to Georgia’s international obligations, and which risk having a chilling impact on Georgian democracy.”
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