Ana Dolidze: The European Union investigation mission can arrive in Georgia soon  


Ana Dolidze, one of the leaders behind “Strong “, said that it is possible EU investigative mission to arrive quickly in Georgia. The has the experience and means to send similar missions.
According to her, she said that all factions in the European Parliament acknowledge the violation of in Georgia. Therefore, the possibility of sending a such a mission was great.
“It’ possible that the EU investigation can arrive in Georgia quickly.” The European Parliament has the capability and experience to send similar missions. The mission should include both and technology experts. If the resolution of the European Parlament is accepted, they can arrive in the next few days. We are working closely with the of European Parliament to make sure that this decision is taken in time. Ana Dolidze said that, at the same time, all factions in the European Parliament acknowledge the violation of elections by Georgia. Therefore, the possibility of sending a such a mission to Georgia is great.


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