Within the Emergency Management Service System, a Special Training Center will be created for Firefighters.  


its third reading, the Parliament of has approved the package of amendments prepared by the of Georgia to the of Georgia “On Civil Security”.
As outlined in the changes, an emergency management system will create special training facility and rescuers. The will have the infrastructure and material-technical basis necessary for training firefighters and rescuers. This will ensure complete training and retraining.
Currently, the of Georgia has the responsibility of training firefighters and rescuers.
On top of the incentives already mentioned, the also defined new types of incentives for firefighters. A firefighter-rescuer will be given a badge of service as an incentive for performing their duties in a professional manner, for long and conscientious services, or for completing a difficult or important task.
The law regulates the recruitment of personnel and their service in the Emergency Situations Management Service.


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