Shalva Papuashvili says that when the Georgian people don’t respond to their calls or stand by them, then they turn to foreigners. We have such parties, which are the hope of the foreign diplomats. That’s why people refused them  


When the do not answer their calls or stand by their sides, they turn foreigners. We have such parties that are the hope of diplomats from abroad, that’s what they were and that’s the reason the Georgians refused them.
According to him the groups were not waiting for the legitimate of the Georgians, but a . That is why they didn’ conduct a campaign before the elections.
“These parties that go from -to-office with foreigners have no hope for Georgians. Have you seen them anywhere? They travelled around the region and met people from village to village, from street to street, from district to district. They also met Georgians or went to different ‘s, countries to other countries to talk with representatives. . How can the Georgians legitimize a political group that rejects all things Georgian, that draws the history, that fights the church and for which Georgian interests are nothing? Today, they will exchange the interest for another country for nothing, just as they did in 2022 when they took to the streets to demand that we send Georgians into to fight, because the President of Ukraine had asked for it. For them, the words and actions of the have a greater price than the Georgian nation’s interest In Ukraine, because Ukraine’s president called. “Georgia is not a value for them. There is no Georgian anthem or flag. We see the flags and anthems that they wave and sing, and we know where they go,” Papuashvili stated.


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