Gigi Tsereteli said that at today’s scheduled meeting, “we see almost every day different types of action.” This process will not end until a significant portion of our society feels a sense of protest about the results of the election and the operation which took place on October 26. He spoke to journalists about the protest.
According to him, the opposition “works in a very organized manner.”
“Coordination is done with the president and with many community groups.” The protest was to be ongoing. We see different types actions almost every day – some smaller, some larger. This process will continue until a significant portion of our society is able to express their disapproval of the election results and the operation of October 26. Today, there will be two meetings: one on Kavtaradze near the “State University Metro Station” and another on Marjanishvili Square. This will be a demonstration that the mood of protest is not just in the opposition, but also among the members of society who saw what happened on October 26th and how the results were altered through manipulations. We are talking about a violation of confidentiality, the appropriation of personal information and its subsequent use, bribery, and other manipulations. This is not only a concern for our observers but also for international observers,” said Gigi tsereteli.
Tsereteli is unable to give a definitive answer as to whether or not the participants of the March planned for 15:00 will participate in the action planned by “Girchi” at 19:00. He says that this “is a tactical question”.
“I know “Girchi”, is holding a demonstration and that’s great. I think that in general, the opposition parties who did not receive the election results did not recognize them, and intended to protest. I think that this will be acceptable for the society”, said Gigi tsereteli.
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