Public Defender: When the Ministry of Internal Affairs began arresting participants of the Melikishvili Avenue rally, the rally was peaceful. It also met the standards of freedom of association.  


** Visits Arrested During Rally**

The Office of the Public Defender is visiting citizens who were arrested during a rally on Melikishvili Avenue. The happened when police started stopping people who were taking part in the rally.

According to the Public Defender’s office, at 08:18 on 19, 2024, when the police started arresting people, the rally was peaceful and followed the rules of freedom of assembly. However, there may have been cases where police treated citizens improperly or used excessive force.

**Concerns About Police Actions**

The Public Defender is concerned that the police did not respect the rights of and protesters. They are calling on the of Internal Affairs to allow people to hold peaceful rallies without interference, to let journalists do their job, and to use arrest powers only when necessary.

**Investigation Needed**

The Public Defender also wants the to look into each case where a may have been committed against journalists or protesters. They want the public to be informed about these investigations.

**Office of the Public Defender’s Hotline**

The Office of the Public Defender has a hotline that people can call at any time if they feel their rights have been violated. The number is 1481 and it is available hours a day.

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