CNN: Trump team to condition US aid upon Ukraine’s peace talks With Russia  


**Trump Reviews Options Russia- War**

The team preparing Donald Trump for the presidency is looking at ways to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. They want to find a way to stop fighting soon.

Any peace talks would likely help Russia, which has been occupying Ukrainian . This would not be good for Ukraine. The Trump team’s plans are being closely watched.

**Strategies Being Considered**

The Trump team is considering several options. One idea is to tie aid to Ukraine to with Russia. Another plan suggests that the US should push for a temporary ceasefire, which would allow for talks and help Europe pay more of the cost of supporting Ukraine.

**Trump’s Previous Statements**

Donald Trump has said before that he could have prevented the war between Russia and Ukraine if he was charge earlier. He also suggested that Ukraine should have given some land to Russia.

**More Ideas Being Looked At**

Another idea being considered is creating special regions within Ukraine, which failed previously. Some people are even thinking about letting Russia keep occupied territories in exchange for future membership in NATO for Ukraine.

**Aggressive Negotiation Approach Suggested**

Sebastian Gorka, who will be working with , suggested a tough approach to negotiations. He said Trump could tell Putin that US aid is just a small amount compared to what Russia might get if it agrees to negotiate.

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