Bloomberg reports that China has restricted the sale of drone parts in Europe and the US, thereby hindering Ukraine’s military efforts.  


**China Limits Drone Component Sales to US and **

China’s manufacturers are now limiting their sales of important drone parts to customers the United States and Europe. This comes as a response to the US ban selling certain high- components to China.

**Ukraine’s Defense Against Russia**

Drones play a big role in Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s efforts. They provide information and can even drop explosives on targets. Both sides, Ukraine and Russia, have increased their drone production. Russia 140,000 drones in and aims to produce 1.4 million by the end of 2024. Ukraine plans to make 30,000 -range drones in 2025.

**China’s Response**

China’s move is seen as a response to the US ban on selling high-tech components to China. The US has also imposed sanctions on five individuals involved in the illicit gold trade with Russia.

**Ukraine’s Plans**

Ukraine might have to find new suppliers its drone parts since experts expect more widespread Chinese bans on certain drone components next year. Ukraine is planning to produce million drones of various types per year.

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