301 Ukrainian women held in Russian captivity, rights group reports  


**Many Women Held in Captivity**

Ukrainian women are being held captive by . This is not the final number, as many more women are still missing.

“We don’t know exactly how many,” said , a rights group leader. “Russia won’t give us information about civilians.”

The number of women detained after 24, 2022, is very high – 11 times higher than before that date.

**Ukraine Wants Help Former **

Skrypnyk wants the government to help former hostages and their families. She also wants a special commission to be set up to check who was held captive and when.

This will make it easier for people to get assistance, such as food and shelter.

**Many Prisoners Have Died in Captivity**

At least 177 Ukrainian prisoners have died in Russian captivity since the start of the invasion. This is according to Victoria Tsymbaliuk from the Ukrainian Coordination Center for the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

**Thousands of Children Abducted by Russia**

Russia has also abducted at least 19,500 . Fewer than have been returned home so far, according to the Children of War database.

Read More @ kyivindependent.com

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