Lasha Margishvili says that the cancellation of registration at EQAR has nothing to do with the recognition of diplomas issued by Georgia, the cancellation or suspension of exchange programs, nor the suspension of international grants.  


Georgia’s Education Center Loses Accreditation

The in Georgia has lost its international accreditation. But worry, this doesn’t affect how diplomas from Georgia are recognized around the world.

, a top official at the center, said that the loss of accreditation is not because of anything do with the quality of education in Georgia. It’s actually about something else entirely.

According to Margishvili, the European Association for Quality Assurance in (ENQA) found that the National Center was not independent enough. This means that the center didn’t meet one of ENQA’s .

Don’t worry, though! The loss of accreditation doesn’t affect how diplomas from Georgia are recognized around the world. In fact, Margishvili said that this is exactly how it was before 2019 when the National Center first got accredited.

Some people were worried that the loss of accreditation would mean that international exchange programs would be cancelled or that international grants would be suspended. But Margishvili says that’s not true either.

The National Center will still do its job, accrediting educational programs and ensuring that higher education institutions in Georgia meet .

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