US Delivers First $ 1 Billion from Frozen Russian Asset Proceeds to Ukraine  


**US Helps with Money from Frozen Russian **

The United States has given Ukraine $1 billion. This is the first time money from frozen Russian assets has been used to help Ukraine’s state budget.

February , invaded Ukraine and many countries froze their assets. The G7 and EU agreed to give Ukraine a total of $50 billion using some of these funds. But they didn’t want to give Ukraine direct access to the money.

Now, the US has used some of this money to help Ukraine through a special fund called FORTIS Ukraine FIF. This fund will also help Ukraine make reforms and improve its economy.

**Ukraine’s Minister of Finance is Happy**

The Minister of Finance, , is very grateful to the United States for helping Ukraine with these funds. He says it’s a big step forward for Ukraine.

**How Will the Money be Used?**

The money will be used to make reforms in key areas like railways, customs, and tax policy. It will also help fight and improve development.

**Transparency is Important**

The Finance Ministry wants to be transparent about how they use this money. They are working with the US Agency for Development (USAID) to monitor how the funds are used.

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