Telegram blocks Russian state owned media channels in several EU Countries  


**-Run Media Channels Blocked in EU**

28, several major Russian news outlets had their Telegram channels blocked across multiple European countries. When users try to access these channels, they see a notice saying that the content has been restricted and is no longer available.

**Affected Outlets**

The restrictions apply to several Russian state-run or controlled media outlets, including RIA Novosti, Izvestia, Rossiya 1, Channel One, NTV, and Rossiyskaya Gazeta. These channels were blocked in countries such as , Belgium, , the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, and .


Russia has been accused of waging a systematic campaign of media manipulation and disinformation to justify its aggression against Ukraine and destabilize neighboring countries. This effort targets Ukraine and its citizens, as well as European political parties, , and democratic institutions, with a focus on election interference and vulnerable groups.

**Previous Measures**

The European Union has previously imposed measures targeting amid the ongoing war in Ukraine. In May, outlets like Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Izvestia, and RIA Novosti were banned from broadcasting within the bloc. The EU Council said that these outlets played a crucial role in the war.

**Statement from EU**

According to the EU statement, “These media outlets are under the permanent direct or indirect control of the leadership of the Russian Federation. (They) have been essential and instrumental in bringing forward and supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and for the destabilization of its neighboring countries.”

**No Official Statement**

Neither Telegram nor EU have issued statements about the latest restrictions.

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