Concerns Over US and UK’s Reaction to Long-Range Missile Deployment in Ukraine 


There are signs that the and may soon allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets in . Ukraine has been asking for this for weeks, but the has been hesitant. So why is there reluctance and how could these missiles impact the ?

Storm Shadow is a cruise missile developed by the UK and with a range of 250km. It is launched from aircraft and can reach close to the speed of sound before detonating its high explosive warhead. This makes it effective for targeting hardened bunkers and ammunition stores, which Russia has been using in its war against Ukraine.

However, each missile costs nearly $1 million, so they are usually launched in conjunction with cheaper to confuse and exhaust enemy air defenses. The UK and France have already provided these missiles to Ukraine, but with the condition that they can only be used within Ukraine’s borders. They have been successful in hitting targets in occupied territory, such as the Black Sea naval headquarters in .

analyst Justin Crump notes that Storm Shadow has been highly effective for Ukraine and it’s no surprise that they want to use it against targets inside Russia, particularly airfields used for glide bomb attacks. These attacks have hindered Ukrainian efforts on the front lines.

Ukraine argues that not being able to hit the bases where these attacks are launched from is like fighting with one arm tied behind their back. At a recent security forum, it was suggested that Russian military bases are better protected than Ukrainian civilians who are being hit due to these restrictions.

While Ukraine has its own successful drone program, these drones can only carry a small payload and are often detected and intercepted. They argue that in order to push back against Russian air strikes, they need long-range missiles like Storm Shadow and the American Atacms, which has a range of 300km.

The hesitation from the West is due to concerns about escalation. The US is worried that allowing Ukraine to use these missiles could lead to further escalation of the conflict. So far, all of Russia’s attacks have been within its own borders, and the US fears that allowing Ukraine to strike back could lead to a dangerous cycle of retaliation. 

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