CNN: Russia plans 10,000 Chinese-tech decoy drones in order to exhaust Ukrainian air defense  


**Russia Expands Production Tatarstan**

Russia is increasing its drone production at a factory in the region of Tatarstan. The factory, which has been producing drones since 2022, is now working with Chinese components and using young and low-skilled workers.

According to CNN sources, two new buildings have been added to the factory complex, increasing its area by 55%. Security at the factory has also been improved after drone .

**The Main Producer of **

The Alabuga factory in Tatarstan is now the main producer of Shahed-136 drones. The plant had a contract to produce 6,000 drones by September 2025, but it’s believed that this target was met about a year ahead of schedule.

**Decoy Drones and Their Strategy**

In addition to producing Shahed drones, Alabuga is also making decoy drones known as Gerbera. These low-tech drones are from plywood and styrofoam and mimic the shape of the Shahed drones. The idea behind this strategy is to overwhelm Ukrainian air defenses with a large number of decoy drones.

Ukrainian intelligence says that Russia plans to produce around 10,000 decoy drones by the end of 2024. This is nearly double the number of Shahed drones planned for production. The cost factor is likely behind this strategy, as decoy drones are much cheaper than Shahed drones.

**Chinese Technology and Components**

The Chinese company Skywalker Technology supplies kits for the production of decoy drones. has officially stated that it’s taking a “neutral stance” in Russia’s war against , but it’s supplying components and technologies for Russian drones through 34 companies.

Initially, a contract was signed to supply 2,000 kits, followed by an additional 8,000 kits offered in July.

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