**Serbian President Comments on Student New Year’s Eve Gathering**
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has spoken out about a planned student gathering on New Year’s Eve. He said the students have the right to do whatever they want, for as long as they want.
Vucic made his comments while visiting a children’s hospital in Belgrade. He said nobody will interfere with the students’ plans and that he wishes them all the best. However, he also mentioned concerns about some students missing exam deadlines due to the gathering.
**Students Plan Alternative New Year’s Eve Ceremony**
The students plan to hold a 15-minute silence at 11:52 pm instead of the usual time of 11:52 am on Tuesday. Vucic commented that a minute of silence is typically observed after someone’s death, not 40 days later. He thinks the change in time is just for show and to coincide with the start of the New Year.
**President Believes Student Demands Are Not Genuine**
Vucic also stated that all student demands have been met. However, he believes that some students’ demands are actually driven by politics, specifically those who are part of the ProGlas initiative.
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