Opposition Plans Protests in Tbilisi & Regions Against Government 


On February 25, the opposition plans to hold a peaceful rally in and the regions, according to , the of the United . He stated that a similar rally is also scheduled for March 31.

Melia explained that the reason for the rally on February 25 is to commemorate the day when was taken over by the 100 years ago. He emphasized that even after a century, Georgia is still facing the same challenges and threats as it did back then. He also expressed his concern that these threats have not been addressed and resolved. In order to prevent history from repeating itself, the opposition has decided to organize a peaceful march and demonstration in Tbilisi and on this day. The purpose of this demonstration is to allow the public to express their legitimate protest and outrage against the current , which is seen as a threat to the country.

In addition, a large-scale rally is planned for March 31, which is also an important date in Georgia’s history. This date marks the day of the on the restoration of Georgia’s independence. The opposition believes that this is a significant day to gather and show their support for the restoration of the country’s independence.

The opposition has been critical of the current government, led by , and believes that it is not working in the best interest of the country. They have been calling for change and have been organizing various protests and demonstrations to voice their concerns. The upcoming rallies on February 25 and March 31 are part of their ongoing efforts to bring about change and address the issues facing the country.

In conclusion, the opposition plans to hold peaceful rallies on February 25 and March 31 to commemorate important dates in Georgia’s history and to express their dissatisfaction with the current government. They hope that these demonstrations will bring attention to the issues facing the country and lead to positive change. 

Read More @ georgiatoday.ge

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