**Serbia’s Prime Minister Offers Teachers Two Raises**
Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic has promised teachers two raises this year. He made the announcement after a long meeting with teacher unions on Thursday.
Vucevic said that teachers and other education staff will get a 5% raise in March and another 5% raise in October. This, he claimed, would bring salaries up to the level demanded by the unions. The lowest salary would be equal to the average salary across the country.
The Prime Minister also said that significant progress had been made in the talks with teachers’ unions. He added that the government wants teachers to stop staging strikes and interrupting classes.
**Teachers’ Unions React**
Teacher union officials reacted to the proposal, saying they couldn’t confirm if the second raise would go ahead or not. They said that negotiations on their collective contracts could resume if their union members agree to the government’s offer. However, they didn’t specify what progress had been made during the meeting.
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