Rally in front of the Constitutional Court with slogan “Solidarity to the regime’s Prisoners” underway  


Protesters Gather Outside Constitutional Court of Georgia

group of people gathered in front of the Constitutional Court of Georgia. They were protesting against what they see as a biased police force.

The protesters claim that the police only serve one man, . They say this is not fair the rest of the .

Some people have been arrested for taking part in peaceful protests. The police allegedly said these people were breaking the by having certain stickers on their clothes. These stickers called for a strike.

The protesters are worried that if they are punished for speaking out, then something is very wrong. They think that this shows the government is afraid of its own people and will try to stop them from being heard.

The slogan of the was “Solidarity with the “. The protesters want to show their support for those who have been arrested for standing up against what they see as unfair system.

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