Serbian Consumers Boycott Retailers for 5 Days
The Efektiva consumer organization is asking people to boycott five main retail chains in Serbia. The boycott starts on Monday and lasts until Friday. The retailers being targeted are Delhaize, Merkator, DIS, Lidl, and Univerexport.
These companies control more than half of the Serbian market. Efektiva is calling for a boycott because they say food prices are too high. In the past, a similar boycott led to a 37% drop in sales for these retailers. Now, Efektiva wants them to reduce their prices by a third.
Dejan Gavrilovic from Efektiva said that when he spoke to retailers and suppliers about the problem, they only increased prices instead of lowering them. He claims that products made in Serbia are cheaper to buy in other countries, such as Malta or Sweden.
Efektiva hopes that if these big retailers lower their prices, others will follow suit and make shopping more affordable for everyone.