Speaker Papuashvili Accuses Foreigners of Meddling in Opposition Campaign, Calls for Non-Interference. 


Parliament Speaker of the ruling Georgian Dream party spoke at a rally in on September 14, . He criticized the opposition for running a disorganized campaign and predicted their defeat in the upcoming parliamentary . Papuashvili also accused the opposition of resorting to confrontation, negativity, and hate speech, and relying on foreign propaganda to set their agenda.

The Speaker presented a prepared by Georgian Dream on foreign interference in the electoral process. He claimed that the opposition is constantly receiving support and guidance from foreign actors, which creates an uneven playing field for the elections. Papuashvili emphasized that interference in the internal affairs of a country, especially in elections, goes against values and the principle of respecting sovereignty.

He reminded the international community of the principle of non-interference, which is enshrined in the UN and other declarations. Papuashvili urged foreign partners to refrain from interfering in the and allow the Georgian people to make their own choices without external influence. He stressed that every citizen has the right to vote in a free and fair environment, without being subjected to choices made for them by foreign actors.

The Speaker also called on partners to demonstrate their commitment to these values not just in words, but also in actions. He warned that interference in the process could have serious consequences for the rules-based international order. Papuashvili concluded by stating that the future of the country lies in the hands of its citizens, and they should be able to make their own choices without external interference. 

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