Ivanishvili allegedly benefits from offshore law, according to high-priced art imports  


Georgia Imports Big Pricey Artworks

Georgia has bought lot of expensive art. The country’ says the art was worth $480 million and came from the , , and another unknown place.

People are suspicious about who bought the art. They think it might be , Georgia’s richest person and a powerful figure behind the scenes. He is known for liking fancy art and animals.

Last year, Georgia changed its tax laws to make it easier for people with money from other countries to bring their wealth into Georgia. This change was made just before were put on Ivanishvili by some countries.

Some think this new law was designed to help Ivanishvili save his money from being taxed if he brought it into Georgia. If that’s true, he could have saved around $85 million in taxes.

The country’s imports went up 45% in January, and the tax on value-added (VAT) didn’t go up like it usually does this time of year. This suggests that a big amount of money, possibly Ivanishvili’s art, was brought into Georgia without being taxed.

Read More @ civil.ge

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