Georgian Foreign Ministry condemns “Presidential polls” in occupied Abkhazia  


**Georgia Condemns Elections in , Calls **

The of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Georgia has condemned the so-called in the Russian-occupied region of Abkhazia. The MFA called on the international community to take action and react to these actions that violate Georgia’ sovereignty and territorial integrity.

**Elections “Unlawful” and Contradict International Law**

According to the MFA, the elections “grossly violate” Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. The Ministry stated that the elections are “unlawful” and have “no legal effect” as they contradict fundamental principles and norms of international law.

**Ukraine Also Condemns Elections**

The also condemned the elections in Abkhazia, calling them “fake”. Ukraine said it considers these elections a systematic attempt by Russia to legitimize its pro-Russian separatist regime in occupied Georgian territory. The Ukrainian MFA emphasized that only collective efforts of the international community can thwart Moscow’s aggressive plans.

**Background on Elections**

Today, 15, Abkhazia held early presidential elections. Five candidates are running for the de facto presidency, with widely believed Russia-favored candidate Badra Gunba and opposition leader Adgur Ardzinba leading in the marathon. The de facto parliament called for early elections after Aslan Bzhania stepped down as de facto president following last November.

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