Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has responded to the criticism surrounding the ruling party’s recent political campaign imagery, which features images of war-torn Ukraine. In his statement, Kobakhidze defended the use of these images, stating that it is important to remind people of the consequences of war. He also claimed that the government has successfully avoided war in 2022 and 2023.
Kobakhidze went on to accuse the media, NGOs, and the opposition of desensitizing the public to the tragedies of war through their portrayals. He did not comment on the current situation in Ukraine, but emphasized the importance of comparing war and peace in order for society to make informed decisions.
“The images used in our campaign depict the realities of war that we have managed to avoid through great effort,” Kobakhidze declared.
The Prime Minister‘s statement comes amidst widespread backlash over the use of war imagery in the ruling party’s campaign. Many have criticized the insensitivity of using such images for political gain, especially in light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
Tags: Irakli Kobakhidze, War-torn Ukraine, banners
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