Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Offers Assistance in Improving Relations with Georgia’s Neighbors Abkhazia and South Ossetia 


According to Foreign Minister , is willing to assist in improving its relationship with and , but only if the countries themselves are interested in doing so. Lavrov stated that is prepared to help secure agreements on non-aggression if there is a mutual desire to normalize relations.

Lavrov also mentioned that the current leadership of Georgia has expressed a desire for historical reconciliation, but it is ultimately up to the countries involved to decide how this reconciliation will take place. As neighbors of Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia will inevitably have some level of contact, and if all parties are interested in normalizing relations and ensuring non-aggression, Russia is ready to assist.

This statement from Lavrov comes amidst ongoing tensions between Georgia and its breakaway regions, which have been recognized as independent states by Russia. The offer of assistance from Moscow could potentially lead to improved relations between the countries involved, but it ultimately depends on the willingness of all parties to work towards a peaceful resolution.


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