GD Lowers the Threshold of Voting for Election Commission Members  


**Georgian Ruling Party Seeks to Control Election Commission**

The (GD) party has proposed changes to the country’s election . They want to make it easier for them to control the (CEC).

Under the current system, a three-fifths majority is needed to elect new members of the CEC. But GD wants to change this so that only a simple majority is required.

**Changes to Parliamentary Rules**

The proposed changes also affect how the and non- (NGOs) work with the CEC. The Speaker would now have more power to appoint , and NGOs would no longer be forced to participate important .

**Why Is GD Making These Changes?**

GD is making these changes because they want more control over the election process. This comes after they passed a earlier this year that gave them more authority over the CEC.

By changing the rules, GD hopes to prevent opposition parties from being able to the election process. They have already lost some seats in Parliament due to contested elections.

**What’s Next?**

The proposed changes will now be voted on by the rump parliament (the remaining members of Parliament). If they pass, it will give GD even more control over the CEC and the election process as a whole.

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