Vucic: We will invite the entire Serbia to Belgrade  


**Serbian Promises Recovery**

Serbian says his will recover from difficult three-month period. He believes will be among the top three countries in Europe growth this year.

Vucic spoke to supporters in Bor, where he accused United of spreading hate and lies. He also announced a rally in Belgrade, inviting everyone in Serbia to attend. The president emphasized the importance of investing money in a “healthy” Serbia that works towards the future.

**Criticism of Student Protests**

The president criticized student protesters who have been blockading university faculties since November. Vucic described them as “evil” and said they want to cause chaos, rather than making legitimate demands. He claimed they are backed by forces and are trying to stage a color revolution.

**Counter-Revolution Planned**

Vucic announced plans for a counter-revolution to restore order in the country. He said that after every failed attempt at a color revolution, there is always a response from the people that brings back.

**Upcoming Rally in Belgrade**

The president invited everyone in Serbia to a rally in Belgrade an unspecified date. He promised to show that Serbia is not weak and divided, but strong and united.

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