Sweden to provide € 2.4 million for Ukraine’s war crime investigations. 


Sweden has promised to give €2.4 million to help in its efforts to investigate and prosecute committed during Russia’s invasion. The money will be used to implement the SMEREKA e-case management system, according to the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM). This is part of a larger effort by EU countries, coordinated by EUAM, to support Ukraine in upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for victims of . Since the start of Russia’s invasion in 2022, there have been many documented war crimes, including attacks on civilians, sexual violence, abductions, forced deportations, killing of prisoners of war, and destruction of cultural heritage.

The commitment was made official through an Administrative Arrangement signed between EUAM and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. The project aims to improve the way and prosecutors handle complex international criminal cases by upgrading the digital infrastructure of their systems. During the signing ceremony, Margin Åberg, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of to Ukraine, said, “Sweden stands with Ukraine in its fight for justice and accountability. This project shows our shared belief that advanced technology can make a real difference in delivering justice and upholding the rule of law.”

The project includes upgrading data storage systems for Ukraine’s Office of the (OPG) and developing two new modules for the SMEREKA electronic case management system. It will also provide necessary hardware and software for the (SSU), the of Ukraine (NPU), and the OPG, including its regional office in Odesa. The main feature of SMEREKA is its ability to securely store, analyze, and share documents between law enforcement agencies and prosecutorial bodies. This is expected to improve the flow of critical information, leading to faster investigations and reducing the time victims have to wait for justice.

The project will be carried out in phases, starting in 2024 with a focus on upgrading the OPG’s server infrastructure and providing necessary hardware for law enforcement agencies. In 2025, the focus will shift to expanding SMEREKA’s capabilities through additional software modules and further improvements to the digital infrastructure. 

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