A convicted war criminal visits students in Pioneers’ Park  


War Criminal Visits Camp in Belgrade

A man named General Vladimir Lazarevic visited a group of people who are protesting outside the Serbian Presidency building. They call themselves students, but some think they might be something else.

Lazarevic said he came to Belgrade another reason, but then saw that his “comrades” were also there. He meant war from the army and police. The protesters have been living in tents in Pioneers’ Park for a while.

The general thinks is being attacked by forces both inside and outside the . He said this has been planned for a long time and is trying to stop Serbia’ progress. He remembered that 26 years ago, strategists met in Brussels to plan attack Serbia.

While Lazarevic was speaking, the protesters were singing a song and chanting slogans like “Kosovo is Serbia”. The general himself was convicted by Tribunal for war crimes. He served two-thirds of his sentence before being released.

Read More @ n1info.rs

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