Dimitri Tskitishvili : We, as politicians, paid it less attention and it slipped by us  


Georgia’s “” party sees a small success a visit to . The country’s parliamentary delegation met with Romanian , but some politicians think it was overlooked.

, a leader of the “Gakharia ” party, said a TV that Romania has been less active in cooperating with Georgia lately. As a result, there wasn’t much attention paid to their visit.

thinks that visiting Romania was a small achievement for the government. He believes it could be an opportunity to build new diplomatic relationships.

However, Tskitishvili also pointed out that democracy in Georgia is declining. He said that political prisoners exist and that Georgia is under hybrid warfare.

The situation in Europe is complicated right now. Some countries are looking for new ways to deal with challenges. This could create opportunities for the government of Georgia to build relationships with other .

Tskitishvili thinks that politicians, including himself, may have paid too little attention to this visit. He believes it’s time to correct that and present a different perspective on the situation in Georgia.

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