PM meets with Chairman of Sanko Holdings’ Board  


Today, Premier Irakli and Zeki Konukoglu met. Zeki is the Chairman of ‘ Board of Directors and Honorary , Head of of ‘s Chambers of Commodity Exchange and Commerce.
Garibashvili introduced Chairman to the favorable business environment of the country.
The Prime Minister noted that, given Georgia’s strategic location and its favorable business climate, the creation a special economic area in Georgia will transform Georgia into a hub of economic activity. He also pointed out that the is working to turn Georgia into a multifunctional hub for the region, and that a draft of this strategy is already in place.
The meeting highlighted Georgia’s top positions in the rankings by numerous influential international think tanks, and the rapid recovery of the economy after the thanks to the Georgian government’s prudent policies.
Garibashvili highlighted Georgia’s FTAs, which include the EU, China and countries in the region, as a means of enabling Georgia access to a number large markets.
Sanko , a Turkish giant, is active in eleven different industries, including textiles, renewable energy, and building materials. Sanko Holding is a Turkish giant that operates in eleven different , including textiles, building materials and renewable energy.


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