Leaders of the Coalition “For Change”, meet with President Salome Zurabishvili to discuss issues relating to the composition of a so-called technical Government and the candidate for Prime Minister.  


, , and the leaders of the “” met at the Orbeliani Palace.
Salome , according to information available, called the leaders of coalition at the meeting: Nika Gvaramia (the leader), Nika Melia (the deputy leader), Elene Khoshtaria, and Japaridze. She will announce the members of as well as a possible candidate to the position of prime minister.
The leaders of the coalition have announced that they do not know who the president will nominate as his candidate.
Information: The opposition forces have signed the ““, which was drawn up at the initiative of President. By signing the and accepting a number obligations, signatories agree to fulfill the conditions outlined in the Charter by the end of first spring session. After fulfilling the conditions, early will be held under fair and free conditions. They also promise that the so called The technical government, which is represented by the President Georgia, will be held in free and fair conditions. Salome Zurabishvili said that she has already chosen a candidate to be the prime minister, who “has a high level of public confidence”.
“I want to begin meetings with the parties Monday so that there is not much time left before the election and we can begin negotiations regarding specific candidates. Parties will be able to submit their ministerial candidates. Politicians have not been selected at this stage. Salome Zurabishvili said in an interview with TV Pirveli that she had selected the candidate to be the prime minister based on the following sign: professional, reliable and I believe acceptable to everyone.


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