Speaker: European Parliament Draft Resolution “Outrageous, Shameful, Disgusting”  


Shalva Papuashvili slammed a draft resolution that appeared in the media as “outrageous”, “shameful” and “disgusting.”
The Speaker’s scorn aimed at the calls in the resolution for sanctions against Saakashvili and for his release. He also attacked calls for Georgia to impose Russian sanctions.
Call to Sanction Bidzina “Outrageous”
Shalva Papuashvili called the provision of the resolution that calls for the imposition sanctions against Bidzina Papuashvili “outrageous”, accusing “certain” forces, which he did no specify, of using EU Institutions to attack Bidzina Papuashvili and seek personal political revenge against him.
Papuashvili, shielding his patron Ivanishvili, said Ivanishvili has played a “decisive role” in maintaining peace in Georgia for years and preventing it from becoming a geopolitical conflict zone. Papuashvili said that the authors of this draft resolution have a “obsessive” interest in , and that their interest has already become unserious. He also noted that the resolution this time mentions Prime Minister Irakli personally.
The European Parliament draft resolution expresses its concern over the promise made by Ivanishvili, and other GD leaders including Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze to ban the opposition following the elections. The text calls Bidzina “Oligarch” Bidzina and condemns his role in the current political crisis in Georgia and in sabotaging the Euro-Atlantic course of the country in favor a pivot to . It calls on the European Council, the EU’s democratic allies and Ivanishvili to “impose immediate and targeted sanctions” for his role in the deterioration in the political process of Georgia. The draft resolution calls on the EU, and its member states, to impose targeted personal sanctions against Ivanishvili for his role in the deterioration of the political process in Georgia.
Call for ‘s Release “Shameful
“The provision in the resolution on Mikheil Sakaashvili is a shameful provision, with which the EU official institution is once again trying illegal pressure to save Mikheil Sakaashvili from a just punishment,” Papuashvili stated.
He said that Mikheil Sakaashvili created the “systems of torture” within Georgia’s prisons, and “shut down” the media or took over the media while he was in office. He said that it was “shameful”, for the , to have to watch “these European Politicians”, without mentioning any names in particular “for years cover up” Saakashvili’s actions while he was in power and now try to free him from a valid punishment.
The draft resolution “strongly repeats” its urgent call for the “immediate and unconditional” release of former president Mikheil Saakashvili so that he can seek medical treatment in another country. The text also stresses that the current is “fully” and “undeniably” responsible for Saakashvili’s dire condition and safety.
Call for Sanctions against Russia “Disgusting
The spokesman described the resolution’s request for Georgia to impose unilateral sanctions on Russia as “disgusting”. He said that it was “scandalous”, that the request for sanctions against Russia had been openly stated in an official document. However, he added that it was “good” that this document “finally revealed the true intentions of the EU” to some people.
He said that Georgia’s impositions of sanctions against Russia ‘cannot harm Russia’ and that if GD had imposed sanctions on Russia, we would have brought our country to an economic collapse and put our people at risk of a confrontation. Papuashvili also added that Georgia was not protected by NATO or the EU, and sarcastically stated that the MEPs call for ‘extreme aggravation’ of relations with Russia’shows very clearly how much they care about Georgian
The draft resolution expresses a “deep concern” about Russia’s growing presence in Georgia, and calls on the Georgian Government to impose sanctions as a response to Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine. It calls on Georgia to align itself fully with the EU’s policy towards Russia and its foreign policy.
Another complaint of foreign interference
Papuashvili claimed that the MEPs’ initiation of a similar resolution just before the Georgian parliamentary was their attempt to influence voters in Georgia, which he said is fundamentally at odds .
He called for respecting Georgia’s sovereign rights to hold elections without any interference. “I expect the European Parliament to respect the choice made by the Georgians on October 26 and that it will call on the opposition organizations and EU-funded organisations to accept this choice as the verdict of democracy,” Papuashvili said.
* 08/10/2024: EP Debates on “Democratic Backsliding” and Threats to Political Pluralism In Georgia
* 24/09/2024 – Speaker Papuashvili complains about foreigners funding opposition campaigns, and wants “non-interference”
The Daily Beat: Friday, 6 October


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