Shalva Papuashvili says that a few days before the election, the introduction of a resolution in the European Parliament by different groups is an attempt to influence voters’ will. This is categorically contrary to European values  


, the chairman of the , said at a press conference at the “‘ office that it was clear that separate groups in the Parliament were attempting to influence the ‘ will. This is against our .
Papuashvili urged all foreign actors to respect their sovereign right to hold free , which he said is “one of fundamental principles of rules-based international orders.”
“The discussion yesterday also showed that, fortunately common sense will be found within the European Parliament. This will hopefully, over time be able stop this trend which has strayed away from the trajectory of European Values. I want to thank them for the correct assessments and their support of Georgians. Shalva Papuashvili said, “I expect the European Parliament to respect the choice made by Georgians on October 26. I also call on the and EU funded organizations to accept this choice as a verdict on .”


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