Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine calls on Georgia to refrain involving Ukraine in internal politics  


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of released a statement in which it urged the not to involve Ukraine and its citizens into Georgia’s internal politics, especially as the elections for the Georgian parliament are scheduled to take place on October 26. The statement was distributed in Georgia by the of Ukraine.
The Foreign Ministry condemned “brazen speculations”, which it called a reflection of Georgia’s ruling party Georgian Dream’s disregard for the Ukrainian people. The statement stressed that such actions could damage the historically friendly relationship between Ukraine and Georgia.
The statement cited recent comments by Georgian Prime Minster Irakli . Ukraine criticised Georgia for using images from ‘s on Ukraine in political ads, calling this disrespectful and damaging to Ukrainian-Georgian relationships.
The statement expressed its dismay over what it called Georgia’s government’s attempts to downplay Russia’s crimes, both on Georgia’s occupied territories as well as in Ukraine. Ukraine specifically condemned the use of images of religious sanctuaries destroyed by forces in political advertisements by Georgian Dream, noting that this was particularly offensive given the upcoming Orthodox holiday of Mtskhetoba- in Georgia.
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry also criticized Georgia’s refusal to participate in international sanction against Russia, and its restoration of direct air traffic and commercial relations with Moscow. The ministry expressed concern about the establishment in Georgia of private Russian schools, fearing that these could promote prorussian propaganda among Georgian young people.
The statement asked, in a pointed comparison: why does Kherson, a city destroyed by Russian forces, experience fewer interruptions to its power and gas supplies than the peaceful capital Tbilisi of Georgia?
Ukraine reaffirmed its call to Georgia to refrain from involving Ukraine in their political struggles and show respect for the pain caused by the ongoing conflict. The statement concluded with the hope that the upcoming Georgian elections will be peaceful and . This would allow Georgia to continue on its strategic path towards European Union and NATO membership.


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