EU condemns death in Russian captivity of Ukrainian journalist Roshchyna  


EU officials have called on swift justice following the confirmed death Viktoriya Rosahchyna – a Ukrainian journalist who was illegally held by Russia. Security Service of Ukraine is investigating her death, which was reported during a transfer from Russian detention centres, as a crimes.
According to Ukrinform, the death of Ukrainian journalist Viktoria Rosechchyna while in Russian captivity was a crime which cannot go unpunished. EU Spokesperson Peter Stano said as much.
Roshchyna disappeared on 3 August 2023 during a visit to the Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine. The journalist had left Ukraine for a month earlier and was supposed reach the occupied eastern Ukraine via Russia in three days.
In 2024, Russia will confirm for the first time its illegal possession of Roshchyna.
Yaroslav Yurchyshyn announced on 10 October that Viktoria’s father had received notification of her death on 19 September.
According to official information provided by Russian authorities, her death occurred during a transfer of a Taganrog detention facility to a prison.
“We are shocked to hear of the death of Ukrainian journalist Viktoriya Roschchyna, who died during her illegal and arbitrary detention by Russian authorities. Stano said that his thoughts were with her family, colleagues, and friends.
He said that the EU condemns all forms of intimidation, including killings, physical attacks, arbitrary arrests, and other forms of intimidation, against who carry out their professional duties every day, often at the risk of their lives, particularly in the context the conflict in Ukraine.
Stano said that there can be no impunity in this violation of human rights and journalistic rights.
He reminded the audience that Russia is still an active member of the , a permanent member on the UN Security and should adhere to humanitarian and the .
The aggressor country does not guarantee any of the rights guaranteed by the Russian constitution to prisoners in Russia, including their health and safety.
The EU spokesperson added: “We must mobilize the international communities to increase pressure on Russia to force it to stop violating the UN and international law as well as all other illegal actions undertaken the Russian regime.”
Ukraine has opened an investigation in connection with the death of Ukrainian Journalist Viktoriya Roschchyna, who died in Russia. The investigation is a combination of a war crime and premeditated killing.


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