Salome Zurabishvili : I went to Europe, I met all the responsible people and received a promise, if it is fulfilled, that they will return us at an urgent pace to where we should have been, that is at the door to the opening of negotiations  


I went to and presented this to all the responsible people. I was promised that if it is achieved at any level, if there’ political will, and if we march with this Charter, we would be returned to where we need to be. Salome Zurabishvili, the , said that the opening of the negotiations was imminent.
According to her, she said that the four parties he met with confirmed their loyalty to the Charter.
“There are only 14 days until the and I am very happy because I think that all the promises I made to my public have been kept. This charter was created, it is our plan to return to European future, to survive a Russian past or future (if anyone believes that this could be the future), and to guarantee the progress and independence of Georgia. I wanted meetings. These were neither consultations or negotiations. I wanted to go over all the points of the charter with the four parties that are part the pro-European platforms and get a clear guarantee that this charter would be fully implemented. I wanted to meet with the 4 parties that are part of the pro-European platform and go through all points of this charter together. I met with them, and they promised me that if we do it at some level, if there is political will as a whole, if we march this charter then we would be returned to where should be.
I have a huge responsibility to the and to our this regard, and I keep my word. Salome Zurabishvili said, “I went through this with each party and received confirmation that they were in this process and that they were loyal to this charter. I am very satisfied that I got that confirmation.


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