Kakha Kaladze: We are dealing with an evil force. They are the ones who do everything. They are trying to escalate the country’s situation with provocations.  


Kakha Kalaze, general secretary of “ Dream- “, the pariah, responded to the statement made by the CEC that employees of the were being pressured.
According to , the opposition’s goal is to create unrest in the country and a crisis.
“This is the continuation of the filthy, fascist campaigns that the radical opposition in the country and their patrons carry out in various ways. What is the reason for an employee to leave their [position], and what is objectionable about it? What is wrong with the country? Peace? Bombs don’t drop and cities and villages remain intact? This is their main goal. They want to see a country in crisis, with hostilities and a city or village in flames. There are also unhappy families and dead . There will be peace, stability and in the country”, Kaladze stated.
Kaladze also responded to the statement that the made today, which stated, “In the party offices of opposition, the discussion about organizing provocations doesn’t stop”.
According to Kaladze in the opposition “they are the one’s who control everything and go above everything”. “Believe me. We are dealing with a very evil force. They are masters of all things and will do anything. We owe much attention to the relevant social structures and structures. They know they lost the , they don’t have the resources, chances or opportunities to win, so they try to stress the situation by provoking and acting in such a way. “We have to be very cautious in all directions”, said Kaladze.


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