Roman Gotsiridze says that if this government remains in power, Georgia would be completely isolated from the outside world, both economically and financially. The people should not commit an irreparable error.  


Roman Gotsiridze, “EuroOptimists'” MP, told that if this government remains in power, Georgia would be completely isolated, both economically and financially, from the rest of the world.
According to him, all the messages coming from the West towards Georgia show that the “Georgian Dream”, which is an allied Russian government, is introducing a Belarusian authoritarian government into the country, and that it should leave government.
“All the messages we hear from the West, including the European Union, USA, and individual states, lead us to the conclusion that this government has allied itself with Russia, is introducing a regime of authoritarian Belarusian governance into the country, which is why this government must leave government. If this government remains in power, Georgia will be completely isolated from the rest of the world, both economically and financially. The country will lose all inflows – grants, loans, investments and credits. GEL will fall in the country. Prices will rise and the country will be empty. Our partners tell us this, but it is also a wake-up call those who continue to support the “Georgian Dream”. The Georgian nation must not make a mistake that is irreparable. In the event of falsification and usurpation, the “Georgian Dream”, will see what will happen. The people will not forgive it”, said Gotsiridze.
Borrell is the ‘s for . He said that recent actions, statements and electoral promises by the of Georgia are a departure from the European path and a transition towards authoritarianism.
Borrel believes that the parliamentary election will be a test of democracy in Georgia, and its path towards the European Union.


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